
What Is Outpatient Therapy?

September 7, 20200

Outpatient Therapy

As with all medical situations, there are times where the necessary treatment or patient is safe to leave afterward. The latter type of situation where a procedure or treatment is performed and the patient then returns home without any type of extended stay in a medical facility is referred to as outpatient treatment or outpatient procedure.

The term “outpatient” can refer to a wide variety of treatments and procedures including outpatient therapy for mental health issues.

It is the process of providing medical treatment or services to patients in either one-on-one or group settings for a set period of time, with the patient(s) leaving the facility when the session is over. Outpatient therapy is different from inpatient therapy, such as rehabilitation therapy for addiction or other disorders, that require a patient to remain at the facility for a designated period of time.

Common Outpatient Therapy Includes:

Physical Therapy is used to rehabilitate the body as a whole or a certain part of the body after injury or surgery.

Counseling is a type of therapy that is generally recommended when a person suffers trauma or has depression, anxiety, or any type of mental health issue where they need to talk with a trained professional.

Psychotherapy refers to therapy that uses a variety of techniques to treat mental disorders including but not limited to schizophrenia, personality disorders, post-traumatic stress disorder, and more.

Drug/Alcohol Addiction Therapy can be both outpatient and inpatient depending upon the stage of addiction the patient is in, but typically uses various coping techniques to help patients get past their addiction.

Behavioral Therapy is used when a person has extreme behavioral issues that are affecting their daily life and the lives of those around them.

Speech Therapy is a therapy aimed at helping a patient with a part or part of speech that they may be struggling with such as a stutter, speech impediment, or inability to say certain phonetic sounds.

How Outpatient Therapy Works

Those seeking outpatient therapy are typically stable enough with their health that they can take care of their daily responsibilities and tasks, but are in need of therapy for one reason or another. Sessions usually last around 60 minutes or so and consist of either a one on one environment with a therapist and a patient or at times a group of patients and a therapist.

Therapy may consist of simply talking with a therapist about certain issues in your life, doing targeted physical activities, or specific practices to target whatever it is you need to work on.

If you are considering outpatient therapy, or if it has been recommended that you participate in some type of therapy, then we always recommend doing your research. Read reviews, talk to friends and family, and choose the best therapist and option for you and your needs.

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